There is a fine difference between 'constructive feedback' and 'complaining'. When one is complaining, usually that's seen as a negative action which may result in resentment. However, if one is providing 'constructive feedback', based on facts, reasonings and solid grounds.... his or her voice may be heard more effectively.
I had an experience lately. I was required to attend a course about 200km in the North, consecutively on four Mondays. This means, I must pay some travel costs to travel that long way just to attend 3hours of lecture. I provided 'constructive feedback' based on my circumstances, facts and situations.
Surprisingly, the university managed to arrange web-access to the lectures there without physical attendance in the location.
That's wonderful! I was so happy that they do listen, and take in my gentle 'complain' in a constructive way and provided me with a great solution that helps a lot to my circumstances with full time work, family with two young children and living a long distance away :D
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