The price of becoming skinny and slim... is this really worthwhile? I stumbled across this blog today, it was a sad story... but I think it is a story that all young girls in this modern world go through, including myself. I went to departmental store to look for clothes, the sales girls will give me a dirty look, and say they have no size for me, not even XL! So, I must have tailor-made clothes for my first job. Although I did not go through the path of anorexia, but I could feel the pressure then that to be 'normal' I must be 'slim' and skinny. However, my 'tam-jia' behaviour, stopped me from going further... today, I am not slim nor skinny, but at least I am healthy and happy. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder, not how the world judge you based on your size or weight. Stay healthy, and that's the greatest beauty on earth!
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